Classic Craftsman Foundation | About Us
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Our Vision

We are building the next generation of construction trade professionals. We want all people to realize that construction trades are viable career options, which require education, skill, dedication and expertise, and that offer a variety of professional, financial and personal growth opportunities.


Our Mission

  1. Source money for construction trade school scholarships (to financially support those seeking an education in construction trades)
  2. Recruit passionate people (into construction trades)
  3. Promote construction trade careers (as viable and lucrative, and with more affordable training)

Our Team

Amanda R. Faber – President
Austin S. Deacon – Vice President
Jay A. Andrew – Secretary

Did you know?

Twenty five percent of construction workers are over the age of 50 and will soon be retiring. There is opportunity for everyone to participate in the construction industry where there are endless career opportunities. Now is the time to take that first step and begin a career in construction!